Cataclysm Comics gets a new Logo! check out what this one stands for!

Cataclysm Comics gets a new Logo! check out what this one stands for!

Since its inception, Cataclysm Comics LLC has had two logos, something that set it apart from other comic companies. The blue and orange mushroom Cloud, Created by ex-editor in Chief, Courtney Futer and Head of H.R. Cassandra Mckenzie represents the main universe. This is the cohesive universe and continuity of Cataclysm Comics. Shortly after, the cracked earth logo followed. created by Teddy V. Barnes, this logo represents stand-alone stories and events that take place outside of the main continuity of the Main Universe. Now Teddy V. Barnes strikes again with what our CEO William L. Glover Affectionately calls, “The White-Hot Logo!” “The white-hot logo and several others have been around for a bit.” Says William L. Glover. “I loved the look of it and wanted to do something with it, so I put it on merchandise to sell.”, He continues. “It wasn’t until I saw the Variant Cover That Teddy wanted to do for Trillion Issue 2 that I was inspired to make it the symbol for our variant covers going forward. Teddy had in-boxed me asking to do a variant cover for Trillion 2. He had sent over several drafts. they were getting better and better with each draft, but the final draft with the white Hot logo on it had me sold and I knew I wanted to use this logo to signify that the comic you held in your hand was a variant Cover!”

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Cataclysm Comics Launches Patreon Page!

Cataclysm Comics Launches Patreon Page!

As of Sept. 6th, 2018, the birthdate of Cataclysm Comics, the company in the making has launched it's Patreon page.  Patreon is a website where artists set up pages and patrons like yourself donate money or pledges to them so that they can get paid for their work. In...

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